Kenya has been ranked 4th in Africa when it comes to issues to do with mental health having 1.9million people affected. However, with time the mental health problems have been rising rapidly thus at a rate of 20% . This means that one in four Kenyans suffer from mental illness at one point in their lives.In recent times, we are waking up to more shocking incidences having an increase in schools children committing suicide and young people killing each other. This has also increased the number of young people engaging in drug abuse.
With the above its right to say that mental health is a key determinant of overall health and social-economic development. It influences individual and community outcomes such as healthier lifestyles, better physical health, high educational attainment, better productivity, and more social cohesion and engagement and improved quality of life.
The Program will focus on bringing together different stakeholders and community members in order to discuss issues to do with mental illness, create strategies in awareness creation and contingency actions towards prevention of young people getting affected with mental health. For this, a holistic approach is needed thus from school level all the way to community level. The activities will be focusing on:
Mapping areas that are highly affected( schools, universities, family context)
Building internal capacity in schools on matters mental health
Identifying priorities, opportunities that will help eradicate mental health problems.
Hold mental health forums that bring together different stakeholders in the mental health
Increase awareness on matters mental health
Create preventive measures based in learning institutions to help in reduction of mental breakdown
Encourage personal development among young people and better health care.
Create safe space for young people to discuss on issues affecting them at community level.